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Aefen Fall

Parkour game
Team of 9 on Unreal engine
Published 3 december 2020 on Steam  

Aefen Fall is my graduation project, concluding 5 years of study. The exercise consists of producing a demo  which have been presented to, and tested by a jury made up of video game professionals(with the participation of Ubisoft, Asobo and Arkane studios for example).

Aefen Fall is a parkour game in first person camera where the player embodies Abadel an alchemist who tries to escape a manhunt of all alchemists in a fictional London of the 1910s. 

My Mission

GameDesigner/Level Designer
-Defining the core gameplay
-Prototyping and Coding

-Quality Assurance and Testing

-Valentin Picart || Technical artist

-Eve Bouchard || Programmer

-Lug-Owein Ambroise|| Level designer

-Matthieu Alves|| Level designer

-Loan Prévont|| Game designer & producer

-Théophile Candelier|| Programmer

-Amélie Rivière|| Technical artist

-Geoffrey Boulier|| artist

Other Team Members



My Work

Game Design
On Aefen Fall we had a relatively collegial view of game design so as Game Designer.

I participated in the design of each iteration of the design range.
However this collegial vision did not prevent us from specializing on certain aspects, my main mission was to design the supernatural powers of the character.

Technical Game Design

My second big mission was to prototype and code the character's skills.
The character's skills had to be of good quality to be able to integrate without the need for correction by the programmers. Because the latter had a heavy workload, especially at the beginning of production. Lightening their loads was a priority.

My prototypes had to be the most optimized and allow a maximum of parameterization by the team to facilitate balancing and production iterations.

prototype of the powers

The workload of the game artists became too heavy, I took the initiative to help them in their tasks.

I helped them to produce modular tools for making the world of Aefen falls more alive. Here two examples.

Birds placer blueprint
Birds tweakable.png
the many tweakable value of the birds blueprints
Tram blueprint
tram tweakable.png
the  tweakable value of the tram blueprints

QA & Playtesting

Finally my last task was to take care of the game's QA. It was mainly bug report.

All the bugs were noted in a document where the bugs could be classified by priorities, people in charge, nature of the bug,... All this in order to facilitate the removal of bugs.

Annotation 2020-06-23 121414.png
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